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Emma is a Qualified Veterinary Nurse and runs Clever Dog Company� Puppy Socialisation and training classes, Adult dog training classes, FUN agility nights & offers one to one training. Classes are held at Potters Wood Methodist Church, Kingswood, Bristol. Qualified Dog trainer with APDT MAPDT 01010 Call Emma:-07966599467 or phone Fernlea Vets 01179606145
  BS16 7AP   View Map Location  
Affordable Drama & Musical Theatre Classes in Downend Bromely Heath Winterbourne Emerson's Green Nailsea Just �5 a session, no membership fees For ages 6-16years
Pixiedust sell a comprehensive selection of fancy dress and fireworks we can provide including Single Ignition Fireworks, Selection Boxes, Roman Candles and DIY Display Packs suitable for small garden parties to Large Displays to suit all budgets. Our actual range of fireworks is vast. Please call for details.
Business Design & Print Locations: City Centre 0117 9715421
Dramatics group. Locations: Headly Park 0117 954 4625
Managed by the University on behalf of the Coombe Dingle Sports Trust Ltd. 0117 9288810
Specialise in letting all types of property, from one-bedroom city centre flats to substantial country homes. Bristol office: Coronation Road, Southville.
  BS1 6BG   View Map Location  
A brand new triathlon shop run by triathletes, for everyone. All are welcome and we hope all will like what we have to offer. As well as our excellent swim and run departments bike brands we sell include Felt, Principia, Blue, Scott and Ceepo. We also have a fully equiped bike workshop staffed by a cytech level 3 mechanic so you know your bike is in expert hands. Pop into our shop by Temple Meads!
I am Puppeteer , offering puppet performances and puppet workshops for people of all ages. My particular speciality is working with shadow puppetry. Often my work is used to explore multicultural themes and ideas. But if you want quality entertainment for suitable fo birthday parties - then the `Figure of Speech `-string -puppets will bring warmth , music and laughter to any occasion !
Mary Trenfield is a PSYCH-K instructor teaching courses in Bristol, the UK and Europe. She is an advanced PSYCH-K practitioner offering one to one sessions to clients in Portishead and Clifton. For course info or to book a session Contact Mary on 07877137645 E-mail: Web site:
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